
Here is the next meditation video.   This time it is your turn to practice Three Breaths Meditation. In this video I offer a couple of tips for how to focus the mind and slow down the breath as a way to tune in, connect with your center and have a little "breathing space" in your day.

Hi Everyone

Here is a short video introducing what I call Three Breaths Meditation.   It is a quick easy way for you to add a few moments of peace ease and grace to you day.

Please watch as I demonstrate Three Breaths Meditation and then tune in again soon as I will continue to add videos guiding you in meditation also.

Please contact me for more information on my meditation classes retreats and workshops.

Have a beautiful day!

                        Graceful Living Meditation Tele-Class                                                                      

                                  June 4th  -  July 23rd  2013 Tuesdays 9 - 10:30 am Hawaii Time.  

"I just want to feel more connected, to something greater than myself, to a sense of being safe and loved and that everything is going to be ok."

"I just can't seem to catch my breath.  Life is moving so fast that I can't seem to find time for myself and when I do, I want to let go and unwind, but don't seem to know how."

"I am dedicated to my meditation practice but I am stalled out, stuck, not going anywhere."

"I am in need of a shift in my life.  I would even say a miracle.  How do I make that possible?"

If you resonate with any of these messages, or are simply looking for a wonderful way to infuse your day and your week with a short "time out" and help "tuning in", please join us.

From the comfort of your own home or office, you are invited to join in a virtual temple of Grace.
As we connect over the world wide web we will create a field of resonance that not only will bless us with a period of serenity in our day but will radiate out to fill our spaces and touch the lives of those around us.   "Where two or more are gathered God's Grace is there."

The power of the group field, especially in meditation is very impactful.  If you have attempted meditating on your own with out success, this may be what you have been waiting for.  All levels of skill are welcome.

Together we will attune our hearts and minds to the experience of the NOW and through our combined presence and intention, will make ourselves available for the peace, ease and harmony that is always waiting for us in the center of our being.  It is already a blessing when ever we can allow ourselves this repose in the space and stillness within, and once there we also make ourselves available for the inexplicable, humbling, awe inspiring, dispensation of grace.  What ever it may be in your life that you wish might be granted this touch of grace, the practice of meditation is the most assured way to allow for its possibility.

 Our natural state is one of equanimity and our True Self is always resting there waiting for our return  from the busy comings and goings of our ego driven lives.  As we come home to our center through simple, yet powerful practices of focused observation, gentle conscious breathing, and dropping "down and in" we will experience all the multiple benefits and positive effects that are the gifts of regular  meditation practice.

 * reduced heart rate                                           * greater access to intuition and insight
 * balanced nervous system                                *  increased vitality
 * better digestion and sleep                                * emotional integration
 * clarity in thinking and decision making          * deeper connection with our source and loved ones

Each Class will include:

*  a short teaching/inspiration segment on a specific aspect of meditation practice.

*   group sharing and questions/ requests for this week's practice.

*  guided meditation

*  silent meditation.

Each session will be recorded for you to use in your own continued practice during the week and also if  so if you cannot join us at the specified meeting time.

The group will begin on June 4th. and will run for eight weeks until July 23rd.    Pre registration and payment is required.  You are welcome to attend as you want and pay as you go or you can prepay for an 8 week cycle.  One session is $20.
8 week pre paid series is $145.
Payment is to be made through paypal prior to each week's class.

Please contact me to register or for further information.

Once you are registered, I will send you the link to the video conferencing system we will use for our gatherings.  It is simple to access and all you will need is a computer with video conferencing capacity.

I look forward to meditating with you and sharing in all the powerful benefits that regular practice brings to life as well as the unexpected bestowal of grace that is inevitably granted as we dedicate ourselves to becoming quiet, open and receptive.


(For those of you who are new to me.)

  I have been a practitioner and teacher of meditation for forty plus years.  I began at the age of 17 with the practice of Kripalu yoga which was called "meditation in motion" by its creator Amrit Desai. As I experienced the power and peace of this practice and was touched by the presence and grace of Swami Kripalu, for whom the practice was named, I was hooked.

I have studied and explored a wide array of meditation approaches over the years which have merged together into my own, unique style which is based on the compassionate acceptance and observation of all that arises in the practice of being present in the now.  While deceptively simple, Graceful Living Meditation is also capable of guiding you to the deepest states of consciousness and assisting you in navigating through all of life's greatest challenges and opportunities.  It is a soothing, heart centered practice that dispenses its benefits immediately in the time of formal meditation and even more potently,
in the fabric of your day to day life.

While living and working for fifteen years at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, I practiced yoga, meditation and other conscious lifestyle practices with hundreds of people every day.  I learned first hand the invaluable impact that our daily practice made in the decision making, actions, and relationships that were the tapestry of our personal and business lives.
As well as being a senior manager at Kripalu, I taught programs in meditation, self esteem, conscious relationships and advanced personal development.
I am a co developer of a cutting edge, psycho spiritual practice called The Wave Work. The Wave Work is founded in the ancient, energy integration practices that are the foundation of yoga and blended with the most current, metaphysical science of brain/heart intelligence, the unified field and quantum healing.  It is one of the most powerful modalities I have experienced personally and it brings practitioners profound, life changing breakthroughs and the ability to master the most challenging of life's initiations as well as provide access to radiant joy.

I have had the honor of bringing the practices of Conscious Living and Leadership to executives and leaders in all sectors of business as well as non profits, education, health care, and entrepreneurs through the Kripalu Leadership Center, The Center for Work and the Human Spirit and Nickelson Group Consulting.

For the past twenty years, I have been in private practice, coaching and leading retreats in a wide range of conscious lifestyle and leadership practices.  Always the fundamental practice is meditation and how to maintain the focused awareness and centeredness of meditation through out the day.                                                             808 212 8694


people in heaven watching people on earth

Have you ever considered what it would be like to have a benevolent observer in the room with you during your work day or important relationship interactions? Someone ready to give you insight and support in bringing forth your most conscious, fulfilling, and effective expression?

It is commonplace to have a fitness trainer watch you as you learn how to swing a tennis racket, golf club or lift a weight, and help you with the subtle micro movements and attitude changes that will perfect your performance.  Yet when it comes to the other, truly important choices we make during our day, we are often left to our own devises.  All that help at the gym; inspiration from meditation or yoga class;  counseling and coaching sessions can easily slip away and be over taken by invisible thought and emotional habit patterns that lie buried just waiting for some stress to turn them on when we go live in our work and personal arenas. 

Thirty years ago when I was a young, very stressed manager at a large, successful, holistic health center, I was attempting to take care of all my responsibilities as well as the many important relationships in my work place and at home, and was hitting the wall.  I was feeling ready to quit or burst and was given this precious gift of live coaching.

My supervisor, who happened to also be a good friend and dedicated champion of mine, asked if he could sit with me over the course of a week from time to time and help me uncover what was working for me and what was hidden in my way of being and doing that could be brought to awareness through his help.

There was a bit of trepidation about allowing this act of benevolent voyeurism, however, I knew something needed to change.  Here I was, living and working at a place that offered peace and consciousness in all walks of life and I was not walking our talk by any stretch of the imagination.

What was revealed during this reality show was a hidden, limiting belief that was contributing to a sense of compression, ineffective decision making and reactionary communications that, needless to say, where not adding value to my work or my well being, nor anyone else's for that matter.  What we also discovered was that my ability to remain present and connected to my self, my breath, my conscious practices was in need of some refinement.  My effectiveness in holding the posture in the yoga of life that happens off the mat was a tad behind what I was able to experience in the quiet, nurturing space before the day began. Together we explored what were the triggers that knocked me out of connection, what were the habits that were sabotaging my intentions to be the best I could be.

It was all there to be seen by a loving, caring friend, no judgement or criticism, just pure and undiluted mirroring with the insight and intuition that can be offered by another on our behalf when we open ourselves to this kind of intimate and powerful assistance.

My mentor then worked with me to facilitate the healing and inner shifts that allowed me to perceive, experience and connect with myself differently.  As these inner adjustments were made, and deep old programs were replaced with ones that were much more in alignment with the greater truth of who I am.  I was able to see options for external change that had never occurred to me before.  My relief was immediate and my effectiveness and satisfaction went through the roof!!!  

We continued on to my relationship interactions and found more hidden dynamics that were unconsciously blocking the very kind of clear, appreciative connections I was striving for, both at work and in my personal life.

Later in my career, I was learning to be a teacher and facilitator leading programs in self-discovery and personal growth.  I once again was invited into the fish bowl where more mentors observed me live and in action.  I give these special people huge credit in the development of my clarity and potent capacity to manage, facilitate, teach and relate in powerful and deeply effective ways. 

The resultant changes have remained with me over the past three decades. This template of live and in person observation as a way of coaching others has become part of what I offer to both clients and loved ones.  

It is an honor and special privilege to be allowed to witness live and in action and yet there is no more powerful, quick or effective way to detect the unconscious at work and find the gaps between the potential of who you are and what you do and what is coming forth in the details of your life.

Two sayings I draw on in my own life come to mind ... "Love is in the details” and "true traction in the change process happens where the rubber meets the road."

If you are wondering how you can have the fabric of your day, your professional and personal actions and interactions truly be an expression of your best self and highest purpose, please consider some live coaching sessions.

I am available to come to your home or workplace or to watch video taped sessions of you in live action mode.

I am currently offering these live coaching sessions at a discounted rate as I believe passionately in their value and want to make them as available as possible.

Please contact me for details and to schedule your live coaching session.


Grace      808 212 8694

Private Retreat Opportunity on Maui



I have recently moved from Beautiful Kauai to Magnificent Maui and am delighted to let you know that there is an opportunity for a private retreat that has unexpectedly opened RIGHT NOW and until the end of April.

If you happen to be the one who has been calling in such a retreat opportunity,  perhaps this is the coming together of our combined visions and intentions.

I was not expecting to be available to do retreats this soon after my own move, however, spirit has done its magic and set things up in an effortless way.

Here is some information about the Zen Villa Retreat House that is waiting for you in sunny, warm Wailea in south Maui and also a description of my private and semi private retreats.

The Wailea Zen Villa is a beautiful retreat home that unexpectedly has a rare opening.

The space is available for you to come and just BE on your own and if you have been looking for a supportive guide to help you gain the most benefit from your retreat time, I am happy and delighted to create a custom experience to match your wishes and heart's desires.
Retreats with Grace

I am a life long mystic, spiritual guide and empathic, intuitive, tuning fork.  As I attend to my own  communion with the divine,  I invite you to a field that exists out beyond ideas of right doing and wrongdoing.  As Rumi would say... "I will meet you there."

For me this is the place of grace.  Where all our steadfast efforts to live consciously are magically and mysteriously uplifted, we are restored to our original nature as Oneness and life becomes a flow of ease, lightness and joyous fulfillment.

My retreats are offered as a place of safety, sanctuary and inspiration where together we create a unique blend of experiences that support you in what ever healing, renewal, and quantum change you are seeking in your self and your life. You are invited to come on your own or with a loved one.

Retreats are available from three to thirty days.  We will spend from four to six hours a day together in a yummy fusion of inner practices, ceremony, play, movement, building conscious life skills, and allowing the magic of nature to guide and dispense its abundant blessings upon you and your retreat experience.  The alchemy of our relationship, your relationship with your self and the presence of spirit all work together to create a chamber capable of transmuting the ore of your life into pure gold.

There is plenty of time to also rest and integrate your retreat learnings.  Follow up after your retreat will support you in ensuring that your breakthroughs and shifts are translated into the fabric of your life, allowing you to go forward with the quiet ease and light hearted presence of grace guiding you every step of the way.

Please contact me at or 808 212 8694  for further information.

Meditation Classes 1


The purpose of any meditation practice is to bring us into a state of grace, not just during our time of formal practice but through out the infinite moments of our day.

Each class includes instruction, guided meditation and custom mentoring to support you in maintaining your focused awareness and heart centered connection in all aspects of your life.
·      Strengthen your “calm assertive” mastery with the ego mind
·      Utilize the power of the breath to resolve mental, emotional, physical distress
·          *         Stabilize in the central core of your being even while fully engaged in your life activities.
·           *         Access the wisdom and compassion of the deep heart to hold and guide you through all challenges 
             and decisions
·           *         Open to the gift of grace that allows life to unfold in ease, joy and magical synchronicity

Grace MacLeod is a master teacher of meditation and conscious lifestlyle practices.
She is a former senior faculty of Kripalu Yoga and Health Center, and Kripalu Leadership Center.  For the past thirty- five years, Grace has taught and facilitated hundreds of people through out North America in both the private and business world to live conscious, centered lives.  From her own practice she has received the invitation to allow her life to unfold by grace and to live as God’s grace in the world. It is her passion and purpose to support you in your practice of attunement to Self and Source and in having a grace filled life as well.  Classes are available in person on Maui, by reservation in your area, and by phone and skype.                                                                                                   
 808 212 8694                                                                                  



                                            Eight week class  April 16 - May 28  2013
                                                        9- 10 am Hawaii time *

Please join us for this yummy guided meditation class.  This is what I like to call soft meditation.

 It is breath, awareness and energy based so it can be done lying down or seated.  The focus is on accepting all aspects of your experience and learning to open your consciousness to the greater self and source.  While all meditation does occur through strengthening the ability to focus the mind, it also is about softening into the body and the heart, where the miracle of grace dwells.  Grace is that state where all effort is dissolved and we find ourselves lifted, blessed and "home" in our natural state of
ease, flow and oneness.

We will have some initial time to hear from everyone what their specific intentions and requests are
for enhancing their practice.
There will be a short teaching segment focusing on some of the distinctions and aspects of meditation and accessing the state of grace.
We will join together in a guided meditation based on your intentions and input.
We will close with sharing, questions and answers, and suggestions for practicing during the week.

The sessions will be recorded and you will be able to access the recordings and save them as mp3 files to use ongoingly.

* Connect around the world with kindred spirits while staying tucked in your own safe space at home.            * Receive some light beams and aloha from Hawaii - no plane travel or jet lag required.
* Benefit from specific coaching to enhance your own graceful living practice.
* Enjoy an increased ability to integrate all your life experiences and manifest your heart's desires.

  We will connect through a free conference call program that only requires that you are able to make a call to the United States. (if you are  If you are outside the US and a  telephone call is not possible,  please let me know and we can also do an alternative class via skype.

Cost of 8 week class is $144.

Please email to register.  Payment can be made by paypal or check.
Once you are registered, I will send the information needed to make the calls.

* other times options are available.  Contact me to let me know your preferences.

        808 212 8694                                               


Meditation Classes

HI Friends

Here is a new offering I am excited to share.



The purpose of any meditation practice is to bring us into a state of grace, not just during our time of formal practice but through out the infinite moments of our day.

Each class includes instruction, guided meditation and custom mentoring to support you in maintaining your focused awareness and heart centered connection in all aspects of your life.
       ·      Strengthen your “calm assertive” mastery with the ego mind
       ·      Utilize the power of the breath to resolve mental, emotional, physical distress
       ·      Stabilize in the central core of your being even while fully engaged in your life activities.
       ·      Access the wisdom and compassion of the deep heart to hold and guide you through all
           challenges and decisions.
       ·      Open to the gift of grace that allows life to unfold in ease, joy and magical synchronicity

Grace MacLeod is a master teacher of meditation and conscious lifestlyle practices.
She is a former senior faculty of Kripalu Yoga and Health Center, and Kripalu Leadership Center.  For the past thirty- five years, Grace has taught and facilitated hundreds of people through out North America in both the private and business world to live conscious, centered lives.  From her own practice she has received the invitation to allow her life to unfold by grace and to live as God’s grace in the world. It is her passion and purpose to support you in your practice of attunement to Self and Source and in having a grace filled life as well.  Classes are available in person on Maui, by reservation in your area, and by phone and skype.  Contact me for group class schedule.

808 212 8694                                                                                
