Graceful Living Meditation Tele-Class                                                                      

                                  June 4th  -  July 23rd  2013 Tuesdays 9 - 10:30 am Hawaii Time.  

"I just want to feel more connected, to something greater than myself, to a sense of being safe and loved and that everything is going to be ok."

"I just can't seem to catch my breath.  Life is moving so fast that I can't seem to find time for myself and when I do, I want to let go and unwind, but don't seem to know how."

"I am dedicated to my meditation practice but I am stalled out, stuck, not going anywhere."

"I am in need of a shift in my life.  I would even say a miracle.  How do I make that possible?"

If you resonate with any of these messages, or are simply looking for a wonderful way to infuse your day and your week with a short "time out" and help "tuning in", please join us.

From the comfort of your own home or office, you are invited to join in a virtual temple of Grace.
As we connect over the world wide web we will create a field of resonance that not only will bless us with a period of serenity in our day but will radiate out to fill our spaces and touch the lives of those around us.   "Where two or more are gathered God's Grace is there."

The power of the group field, especially in meditation is very impactful.  If you have attempted meditating on your own with out success, this may be what you have been waiting for.  All levels of skill are welcome.

Together we will attune our hearts and minds to the experience of the NOW and through our combined presence and intention, will make ourselves available for the peace, ease and harmony that is always waiting for us in the center of our being.  It is already a blessing when ever we can allow ourselves this repose in the space and stillness within, and once there we also make ourselves available for the inexplicable, humbling, awe inspiring, dispensation of grace.  What ever it may be in your life that you wish might be granted this touch of grace, the practice of meditation is the most assured way to allow for its possibility.

 Our natural state is one of equanimity and our True Self is always resting there waiting for our return  from the busy comings and goings of our ego driven lives.  As we come home to our center through simple, yet powerful practices of focused observation, gentle conscious breathing, and dropping "down and in" we will experience all the multiple benefits and positive effects that are the gifts of regular  meditation practice.

 * reduced heart rate                                           * greater access to intuition and insight
 * balanced nervous system                                *  increased vitality
 * better digestion and sleep                                * emotional integration
 * clarity in thinking and decision making          * deeper connection with our source and loved ones

Each Class will include:

*  a short teaching/inspiration segment on a specific aspect of meditation practice.

*   group sharing and questions/ requests for this week's practice.

*  guided meditation

*  silent meditation.

Each session will be recorded for you to use in your own continued practice during the week and also if  so if you cannot join us at the specified meeting time.

The group will begin on June 4th. and will run for eight weeks until July 23rd.    Pre registration and payment is required.  You are welcome to attend as you want and pay as you go or you can prepay for an 8 week cycle.  One session is $20.
8 week pre paid series is $145.
Payment is to be made through paypal prior to each week's class.

Please contact me to register or for further information.

Once you are registered, I will send you the link to the video conferencing system we will use for our gatherings.  It is simple to access and all you will need is a computer with video conferencing capacity.

I look forward to meditating with you and sharing in all the powerful benefits that regular practice brings to life as well as the unexpected bestowal of grace that is inevitably granted as we dedicate ourselves to becoming quiet, open and receptive.


(For those of you who are new to me.)

  I have been a practitioner and teacher of meditation for forty plus years.  I began at the age of 17 with the practice of Kripalu yoga which was called "meditation in motion" by its creator Amrit Desai. As I experienced the power and peace of this practice and was touched by the presence and grace of Swami Kripalu, for whom the practice was named, I was hooked.

I have studied and explored a wide array of meditation approaches over the years which have merged together into my own, unique style which is based on the compassionate acceptance and observation of all that arises in the practice of being present in the now.  While deceptively simple, Graceful Living Meditation is also capable of guiding you to the deepest states of consciousness and assisting you in navigating through all of life's greatest challenges and opportunities.  It is a soothing, heart centered practice that dispenses its benefits immediately in the time of formal meditation and even more potently,
in the fabric of your day to day life.

While living and working for fifteen years at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, I practiced yoga, meditation and other conscious lifestyle practices with hundreds of people every day.  I learned first hand the invaluable impact that our daily practice made in the decision making, actions, and relationships that were the tapestry of our personal and business lives.
As well as being a senior manager at Kripalu, I taught programs in meditation, self esteem, conscious relationships and advanced personal development.
I am a co developer of a cutting edge, psycho spiritual practice called The Wave Work. The Wave Work is founded in the ancient, energy integration practices that are the foundation of yoga and blended with the most current, metaphysical science of brain/heart intelligence, the unified field and quantum healing.  It is one of the most powerful modalities I have experienced personally and it brings practitioners profound, life changing breakthroughs and the ability to master the most challenging of life's initiations as well as provide access to radiant joy.

I have had the honor of bringing the practices of Conscious Living and Leadership to executives and leaders in all sectors of business as well as non profits, education, health care, and entrepreneurs through the Kripalu Leadership Center, The Center for Work and the Human Spirit and Nickelson Group Consulting.

For the past twenty years, I have been in private practice, coaching and leading retreats in a wide range of conscious lifestyle and leadership practices.  Always the fundamental practice is meditation and how to maintain the focused awareness and centeredness of meditation through out the day.                                                             808 212 8694

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