Star Child Inc (aka Star Child Ink)

I have decided to create an corporation called Star Child Inc.

The first task in creating this company is to put in Ink the mandate for it's existence. As I can dream it and write it so it can be!!!!
In numerology I am a 22 which is the master builder vibration. My part of the "building" process is to attune to the archetypes of heaven and to hold them in my heart and soul as absolutely real possibilities here on earth.

I hope you enjoy reading my vision and perhaps as enough of us say a collective "YES" this is the company for me!!!",
it will manifest more fully in our world. And if you happen to be an actual builder of conscious companys and resonate with this vision, I would love to join with you in making that happen.

It is time to invite all of us who are star children to gather and conduct the business of life according to our own ways. As we do so we are fully capable of manifesting the heaven on earth we came to create and it is time for us to do so. It is time for us to stop looking to the current world to be able to relate to us or fit us into their life structures. It is time for us to do what we came here to do and to THRIVE FINANCIALLY while we do that.

I am looking for powerful bright star lights to join the company

What are you joining? An organization that "gets" you, welcomes you, and invites you to contribute your magic to the world. This is the company that wants you as you are. We want to support you in sharing your gifts with the world and being the agent of change that you came to be. We also want to pay you supremely well for doing so.

If you are a match for the following qualifications please apply within.

Are you profoundly psychic?

Is your range of emotional intelligence off all charts and scales even the Richter Scale?

Is your need for multidimensional connection and communication so great that no one in the current world can meet your needs?

Do you know a possibility for love and communion that leaves you experiencing lack and frustration in all of your relationships?

Do you create worlds just by holding frequencies in your consciousness?

Do you visit other dimensions in your sleep?

Do you know you come from somewhere other than earth and have intact memories of the ways those worlds function that you are ready to share with earth?

Do you have a particular sensitivity that is your body of wisdom?

Did you come with a blueprint in that arena of life that is a complete upgrade to the current systems offerings?

We are looking for you and we are hiring.

You will be working in an environment that completely supports and encourages your extraodinariness.

Your work place and work pace will be balanced harmonious and part of a holistic lifestyle that includes all other aspects of healthy happy living.

You will be regarded as a visionary and a prophet and will be given all the tools you need to bring forth the mastery that you have brought to this world.

You will be part of a community that works with the practices of alchemy, conscious co creation, dreaming reality into being, frequency holding, grid building, laughing, crying, dancing, loving as the means for birthing and sustaining the world we came to create.

And here is the best part. YOU WILL BE PAID FOR YOUR PRESENCE ON THIS PLANET and as a member of this company!!!!

Your base salary, along with everyone else's, will be a reimbursement for just showing up!! Base salary is $100,000. annually.

Your health care will be provided for and your family will also be supported.

All that will be required of you at this level of employment is that you agree to being fully present at work when you agree to be there and that you contribute your consciousness into the container that is our shared intention to live in heaven on earth.

If you also wish to contribute something more, a blueprint, a prototype, a creation, what ever is your sacred gift .... be it gardening, dancing, healing, teaching, building, entire new learning, communication, monetary systems , modes of transportation, energy systems, what ever it is .... we will work with you on determining a salary or bartering exchange that is mutually agreeable.

As we work together to bring into form the blueprints, designs and prototypes for the new world, we will engage with other conscious companies and global economies to sell and barter our creations in both money and non money based currencies.

Please send all applications to Grace StarCild@Star Child

Looking forward to building our world of heaven on earth together.


Grace Star Child
President and CEO (Chief of Equality and Oneness)

ps This message is also being distributed to the conscious philanthropists, venture capitalists and business leaders of the current world inviting them to contribute their gifts of financial manifestation to this new world company. We acknowledge you as the bridge builders in the third dimension and request your support in helping us build what lies over the bridge.

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